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Design templates download section on

New PageTypes CMS design templates are available for free download. PageTypes users can download the theme packs which best fit their branding and color preferences. Advanced PageTypes Admins and Users can edit the style sheets ( CSS )  in order to adjust their design and fine-tune attributes in details in order to achieve the best look and feel for their website

PageTypes theme pack is a zip file containing all site theme images and CSS files. It also contains several xml files where the PageTypes design and development teams predefine global design parameters.

Please, follow these steps while working ( editing ) the PageTypes themes:

1. Download the theme.

2. Check the global parameters in the xml files. For example, in the xml files you will find “<link-color>#339900</link-color>“ expression. This expression defines the color for all links in the system. Further in the CSS files you will find another expression “color: @link-color@;” which will use the global parameter defined in xml. This way, by changing several parameters in the xml you will be able to make major changes in your website styles.

3. In order to fine-tune your theme edit the CSS files. Find the required class and make the changes you need.

4. Change the images in the image folder if needed

5. Zip archive changed files and upload them to “Themes and CSS”/User themes” using [add theme] link.
6. Set your theme “current”.

7. When you make changes make sure you clear the cache by clicking [clear CSS cache] link.

Most of the classes in PageTypes are self-explanatory but working with them you will need some time to get used. However in the beginning you will need to know several abbreviations we use:

p – stands for page. Example: p-title-color is page title color
pi – stands for page item. Example: pi-title is page item title class.
pt – page type
m – module.
mi – module item.
