Dimitar Dyulgerski

PageTypes CMS version 2.9 released

Posted By: on 10/8/2010 4:25:43 PM, 0 Comments, 44433 views Categories: PageTypes Versioning Tags: release, features, updates, version 2.9

PageTypes CMS v2.9 has been released. Based on our clients' feedback and new customers' requirements we have developed a bunch of new useful features and some old functionality improvements. So here it comes the new PageTypes version 2.9.

What's new in PageTypes CMS 2.9

  • Public User profile has been designed for blog users where the profile displays all user posts. The user may also create several addresses in his profile where each address can be used later in the ecommerce as a shipping destination. The address information is private and it is not displayed for the public.
  • Input templates and Group templates in the Form Builder page type. You can now create and save Inputs and Groups of Inputs as templates. You may also save the templates including the value data for inputs like dropdowns, radio groups, auto-completes etc. The templates can be used later when building public website forms.  
  • Page and Item content printing and emailing. Continuing with the social networking and online collaboration tools we have added print and send email buttons to your pages and items so the website visitors can easily share your content.
  • Manually managed shipping zones for the ecommerce page type. You are now able to configure different shipping zones containing several locations. Each shipping zone may also have several shipping services like "ground shipping", "over night shipping" etc. where each service may have different price. The structure allows comprehensive manual shipping configuration so you can have your own shipping taxes for the destinations you ship to.
    Of course we kept the embedded FedEx shipping from the previous PageTypes version so you can now choose from FedEx or manual shipping. Enjoy. 
  • Import Users from CSV file. If you are bigger organization or company and you have a list of all your members or employees you can now create an account for each one of them with a single click. 
  • Product items filtering - page type Products. A new filter has bee added to your products pages. The website visitors can now filter and sort your products by different criteria: Product name, in stock status, price, weight.
  • Nice URLs for your website images. Search engines optimization. The image handler rewrites the URL address of your image where includes the image file name. So for example: if you have a products page and a product item called "product N1", then the product image URL will be http://yourDomain.com/products/product-N1/imageFileName.jpg. 
  • Orders export to Excel - ecommerce page type.
  • The paging numbers of the public items grid have been SEO optimized. 
  • SMTP server setting is now performing a server test and it is displaying a message for the server status.

As usual PageTypes CMS is available as hosted service subscription where no downloads or installations are required. Subscribe at PageTypes.com and enjoy your easy-to-use, comprehensive website builder.