Dimitar Dyulgerski

PageTypes CMS v3.2 Release Notes

Posted By: on 10/6/2011 4:05:36 PM, 0 Comments, 47426 views Categories: PageTypes Versioning Tags: release, features, updates, version 3.2

PageTypes CMS v3.2 is coming with more social buttons and Facebook login integration, some fixes and improvements applied too.

New Features

  • Facebook "Like" button added to all page items of type News, Events, Products, Services, Video, Image Gallery, Blog posts. The button is also added to all pages of type content. The button is toggled on or off from the corresponding page setting - Enable Facebook "Like" button. Like button let users share your content with friends on Facebook. When the user clicks the Like button on your site, a story appears in his Facebook profile with a link back to your website. If you wish to get detailed analytics about the demographics of your users you can link your site to Facebook application. How to link your website to Facebook app read about the newly added Social Integration settings in the System settings below.
  • Google "+1" button added to all page items of type News, Events, Products, Services, Video, Image Gallery, Blog posts. The button is also added to all pages of type content. The button is toggled on or off from the corresponding page setting - Enable Google "+1" button. Google "+1" buttons let people recommend your content on Google search.
  • "LinkedIn" share button added to all page items of type News, Events, Products, Services, Video, Image Gallery, Blog posts. The button is also added to all pages of type content. The button is toggled on or off from the corresponding page setting - Enable "LinkedIn" Share button. LinkedIn is a place where busy and on-the-go professionals rely on their network to stay informed and make decisions. Share button enable them to share your content with their network.
  • "Tweet" share button added to all page items of type News, Events, Products, Services, Video, Image Gallery, Blog posts. The button is also added to all pages of type content. The button is toggled on or off from the corresponding page setting - Enable "Tweet" share button. Add this button to your website to let people share content on Twitter without having to leave the page. Promote strategic Twitter accounts at the same time while driving traffic to your website.
  • "Facebook Login" integrated in the page type User Portal. Website visitors can use their Facebook credentials (user and password) to register/login in your website automatically. Users registered through "Facebook Login" possess the same rights as regular users registered through the regular PageTypes registration form. The all share the same default public role. Facebook Login button is displayed on the login page and login module. The button is toggled on or off from the Enable "Facebook Login" setting in the User Portal settings tab. Additionally the admin needs to setup the Facebook application values in the Social Integration tab in the System settings (see below).
  • Social Integration tab in the System settings. In this tab you will find all the required value fields for system integration with external websites' or portals' APIs that PgaTypes supports.
    In this version have been added:
    • Facebook Application Id. You can link your PageTypes website to your Facebook application. This will enable you to publish stream updates to your pages programmatically. You can also get detailed analytics about the demographics of your users and how users are sharing from your website with Insights. Register your website with Facebook to get an App ID (https://developers.facebook.com/apps/).
    • Facebook Application Secret Key. When you link your PageTypes website to your Facebook application you will need a Facebook App Secret. Register your website with Facebook (https://developers.facebook.com/apps/) or find App Secret in your Facebook application administration if already registered.
    • Facebook Page Administrator IDs. Comma-separated list of the user IDs, used to associate your page with your Facebook account. Each listed user must click Like on the URL to be approved as an admin. This is to prevent users being made admin without their consent.
    More integration options are coming up in the future PageTypes versions :)

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Fixed - Public website - User rights - deny view module rule doesn't work.
  • Fixed - Blog module displays tags when tags are disabled from the setting.
  • Fixed - Hide empty shipping charge row from the shopping card if there is no shipping step in the process.
  • Improvement - System settings / Mail Setting added new SMTP Authentication Method dropdown where the admin can select different authentication methods to the SMTP server.
  • Improvement - Item's URL alias becomes unique identifier within the page it belongs to (instead of global item URL aliases). Improvement allows same items aliases in different pages.